Selecting the configuration tab shows an overview page.
Mode (factory use only)
Name (configuration name)
The left sidebar will show the following list under Configuration heading.
- 1 apps
- 2 gpio
- 3 gps
- 3.1 Dead Reckoning
- 3.2 GPS
- 3.3 Harsh driving basic
- 4 iot
- 5 network
- 5.1 Dynamic DNS
- 5.2 DNS
- 5.3 firewall
- 5.4 Hostnames
- 5.5 monitoring
- 5.6 QoS
- 5.7 Static routes
- 5.8 tunnels
- 5.9 wired
- 5.10 wireless
- 6 Report
- 6.1 delivery
- 6.1.1 Cypress IOT reporting
- 6.1.2 Local TCP reporting
- 6.1.3 Local UDP reporting
- 6.1.4 Remote Destination Reporting
- 6.1.5 Local serial reporting
- 6.1.6 Cypress VUE
- 6.1.7 GPS report conditions
- 6.1.8 IO report conditions
- 6.1.9 Report messages
- 6.1.10 Sysdb report conditions
- 6.1.11 General report system note:
- 6.1 delivery
- 7 serial
- 7.1 modbus
- 7.2 pad
- 7.3 RS232 port settings
- 7.4 RS485 port settings
- 8 system
- 9 vehicle
Configure custom applications installed on the modem.
Configure the 4 General Purpose Inputs and Outputs (GPIO).
Ignition wakeup
Input configuration (Analog/digital, Pulse counting)
Output configuration
Configures GPS functionality.
Dead Reckoning
Configures features for dead reckoning operation (if available).
Sets general GPS parameters.
Harsh driving basic
Configures parameters for harsh driving detection.
Configure the Cypress IOT client destination URL (do not change) for device management. Adjust the check-in interval based on the speed of updates applied to field devices by Cypress IoT. The default check-in interval is 900 seconds.
Cypress IOT check-in overhead is approximately 10 KB/check-in.
Configuration of various modem network settings and wired/wireless interfaces.
Dynamic DNS
Configures dynamic DNS service provider.
Configures DNS (Domain Name Server).
Configures firewall rules such as:
Custom rules
Firewall General
NAT rules
Port forwarding rules
Service access rules
Traffic rules
Configures hostnames.
Enables network monitoring features.
Background ping
CPE monitoring
Network watchdog
Ping proxy
Configures Quality of Service (QOS) policies.
Static routes
Adds static routes to the network configuration.
Configures IPSec and GRE tunnels.
Configures wired interface.
Configures wireless networks, Bluetooth, Cellular and Wi-Fi.
Configures the modem reporting system of telemetry data.
Defines the destination where telemetry data is to be sent.
Cypress IOT reporting
Configure telemetry data reporting to Cypress IOT (leave all options enabled).
Local TCP reporting
Configures local reporting via a TCP connection, primarily used for local reporting of GPS(GNSS) data.
Local UDP reporting
Configures local reporting via a UDP connection, primarily used for local reporting of GPS(GNSS) data.
Remote Destination Reporting
There are 3 customized remote destinations, all 3 contain the following options:
Store and forward
Chronological reporting (FIFO)
Message ACK with timeout
Local serial reporting
Local serial reporting is usually employed for connected computers requiring a GPS (GNSS) data feed sent via serial link to plot locations within a computer application.
Cypress VUE
Cypress VUE has similar parameters/options available as Remote Destination 1,2,3 report destinations.
Enable store and forward
Enable chronological reporting (FIFO)
Enable message ACK with timeout
System Database keys not allowed for Cypress VUE destination are:
GPS report conditions
Many custom GPS report conditions can be added. Use descriptive names to describe the purpose of the report condition. For example, “Vehicle moving”, “Vehicle Heading Change”, “Vehicle Stationary”, “Vehicle exceeding speed threshold” etc.
Add report conditions triggered by GPS distance/speed/heading/timer.
Any/All logic for distance, high/low speed threshold, heading change, heading speed, period timer
Select SYSDB keys for Key-value pairs reporting and report delivery destination
Select NMEA message keys for Raw NMEA reporting
GPS report conditions will ONLY be triggered when the modem has a valid GPS signal.
GPS_NMEA_PGPS proprietary message is included automatically when key-value pair report format is selected.
Avoid complex AND/OR logic for combining multiple event logic, use more reports with simpler logic where possible
Maximum reporting frequency is 1 report/second.
IO report conditions
Add GPIO report conditions triggered by Input activity.
Any/All logic based on a combination of one or two GPIO signals and threshold evaluations for each input
Select SYSDB keys for Key-value pairs reporting and report delivery destination
Select NMEA message keys for Raw NMEA reporting
Report messages
Set to use Device ID to something other than IMEI
Configure TAIP settings
Sysdb report conditions
Add SYSDB report conditions triggered by a change in SYSDB value from the available SYSDB keys available on the modem. For a full list of SYSDB keys, refer to the System database tab.
Many custom SYSDB report conditions can be added. Use descriptive names where possible to describe the purpose of the report condition. For example, “Battery Voltage”, “harsh driving”, “Ignition state report”, “Bluetooth parameters” etc.
Any/All logic based on a combination SYSDB input signals and threshold evaluations for each input
Select SYSDB keys for Key-value pairs reporting and report delivery destination
Select NMEA message keys for Raw NMEA reporting
General report system note:
If FIFO reporting is enabled, report messages will be sent to remote destination in chronological order. This can be useful for some systems that have issues working with data that arrives in non-chronological order. If stored data is encountered, there will be a delay of approx 0.5 to 1 sec/stored message before first live message is sent to remote destination server. For example, if the stored buffer has 500 messages, there could be up to a 500 second delay before the first live message shows up after a device has connected after being out of coverage.
If Message ACK is enabled, ACK must be supported by the receiving report destination server. Please contact Cypress Solutions for documentation on ACK protocol.
SYSDB keys with NMEA in the name description are the only keys allowed for Raw NMEA reporting.
Enable report triggering during WAKEUP state should only be enabled if telemetry data is required during modem wakeup for modem management via Cypress IOT (system--> Power Management).
When “Report changed keys only” is enabled, messages are reported on boot, wake and when the key-value changes.
GPS_NMEA_PGPS proprietary message is included automatically when key-value pair report format is selected.
Modbus is a request-response protocol implemented using a master-slave relationship.
Modbus is available via RS232 interface and/or RS485 interface
A packet assembler/disassembler, abbreviated as PAD provides multiple asynchronous terminal connectivity packet-switching network or host computer.
Pad is available via RS232 interface and/or RS485 interface.
RS232 port settings
RS232 is the interface between data terminal equipment and data communications equipment using serial binary data exchange. It is used on the CTM-ONE in the following modes:
Local Report
RS485 port settings
RS485 is a communication protocol used when covering long distances. RS485 allows use with a serial bus of up to 32 devices. This is sometimes called daisy chaining. RS485 is used in the following modes:
Local Report
Local authentication
Sets authentication mode for SSH and Web GUI to use local(password) or RADIUS authentication.
Sysdb data logger
Log SYSDB keys/values to db and log files. Useful for troubleshooting.
Failsafe configuration
When enabled, failsafe configuration allows the CTM-ONE to recover if a configuration change is made that breaks modem communication. Configurable time limit that will revert configuration communication is broken due to incorrect configuration change.
Log file settings
Set log file size and history and allows for adding additional logging.
Power management
Select the power source for system ignition and specify the duration for the modem to enter LPM (Low Power Mode) once the system ignition detects low power (0). This setting is also utilized to configure the periodic wake timer for mandatory modem check-in.
Set “Suspend CTM when SYS_IGN is LOW for X seconds” to 0 to keep modem powered on continously without suspending to LPM.
When in standby mode, the CTM-ONE will wake up at the time period defined in the Periodic wake field. The purpose of this wake up is to validate CTM-ONE health status/connectivity and run any queued configurations/firmware updates.
System specifics
Set the optional modem ID field (not recommended). Configure the SYSDB key source for Engine Hours, Odometer, Fuel Used, and Idle Time. Select an available SYSDB key that provides a valid value. Refer to the System Database Tab or Installer Dashboard to view available SYSDB keys when a vehicle has an active connection via OBDII or J1939 detected and the vehicle is running.
For J1939 equipped vehicles Engine hour source will typically be available using the VEH_0_TIMEENG, next best option is to use the VEH_ENGHOURS_RPM to use detected RPM as a indication of vehicle running. Use VEH_0_DISTODO for reading the vehicle supplied odometer, next best option is to calculate odometer based on a reliable speed source, typically VEH_ODOMETER_OBD. Total fuel used is also available via VEH_0_VOLFUEL but can also be calculated using tank level, fuel rate, or mass air flow (MAF) sensor. Set Fuel used source to VEH_FUELUSED_LVL if key is available and tank size is known.
Time management
Configures the source and priority for time synchronization. Options include Cellular-based network time, GPS time, and NTP server time.
Two available CAN ports, CAN0 and CAN1, are available for configuration. Ports can automatically detect vehicle type (J1939 or OBDII) or can be manually set. Additionally, a RAW data mode is available for reading other data on the CANbus from third-party systems.
CTM-ONE can use available CAN port supplied power for powering the modem. Vehicle Ignition can be detected by reading available CAN data. Not all vehicles provide CAN data when vehicle is started so wiring to a separate ignition line may be required for accurate ignition detection.
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