Local Web Interface

Local Web Interface

After physically connecting to the CTM-500 via Ethernet LAN or Wi-Fi, enter the IP address into the browser navigation bar.

Basic modem information is available via the “System Status” dashboard which is available without logging in:


To access modem dashboards and configuration, please log in.

Upon initial login, you might be prompted to change the default password that came with the modem. This password is usually printed on the CTM-500’s label.

Your new password must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 8 characters long

  • Include a combination of letters, numbers, or special characters

  • Avoid using dictionary words

  • Not be a password previously used


You will see this screen after a successful login:

The Web GUI will automatically log you out after 10 minutes of no activity.


There are four main categories in the web interface:

  1. Dashboards

  2. System database

  3. Device management

  4. Configuration

The left-most column contains expandable tree items for configuration.




Clicking the Edit button enables changes to the configuration to be made:

Edit button.png

Cancel, restore to default, or save any changes made to a page.

save changes.png

Make sure to save changes to a page/tab before leaving and moving to another page/tab. After saving changes, you will see:

Changes saved.png

There is the possibility of an error pop-up when there is an issue with the configurations.


Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 10.27.23.png

After clicking OK on the pop-up, the errors will display on the right in coloured boxes. Fix the validation errors first, then try saving again.

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 10.27.34.png

In the upper left of the browser. After saving, changes must be applied to take effect. 

apply config changes.png


Confirm the changes:

confirm apply changes.png

After pressing the OK button, the following notice will appear in the upper right portion of the browser.

applying changes.png



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