Local Management

Local Management

The CTM-ONE will be ready for access and configuration approximately 50 seconds after applying power.

After powering on, the CTM-ONE's power LED will remain solid green. During the booting process, the remaining four LEDs will flash in a left-to-right pattern, with blinking RED LEDs. Once the blinking ceases, the modem will be accessible.

The wireless gateway can be configured via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, depending on the enabled access in the configuration. By default, local Ethernet access is enabled, and Wi-Fi is disabled. Depending on the initial configuration upon shipment, enabling Wi-Fi access may be optional.


Firmware 1.4.X and later ONLY supports https://

When physically connected via an Ethernet cable, the CTM-ONE web interface is accessible by opening a browser and navigating to either or, as an alternate address, use

The default password will be provided on the label attached to the CTM-ONE.

By default, the CTM-ONE utilizes DHCP to dynamically assign an IP address to the connected computer. Depending on the configuration of your computer, local network adjustments may be necessary. Please consult your company's IT resources for assistance.

Ethernet access can be disabled, but before doing so, ensure you have confirmed alternative access via other mechanisms, such as Cypress IOT.


To check the status of the Wi-Fi access on the modem:

  • If the Wi-Fi LED is OFF, it indicates that Wi-Fi access is disabled.

  • If the Wi-Fi LED is blinking GREEN, Wi-Fi access is available, but no clients have registered yet.

  • Wi-Fi access is established when the Wi-Fi LED is solid Green.

When the CTM-ONE's Wi-Fi access point is enabled, it can broadcast its SSID. You can scan for the SSID and connect to it after entering the Wi-Fi password.

Depending on the configuration, some units will ship with customer-defined SSID and PSK

Wi-Fi access can be disabled in the modem configuration if necessary

Refer to the table below for access via username/password.

Default IP (https)

Default SSID


Default IP (https)

Default SSID


Firmware 1.3.x and earlier:

CTMONE-[last 4 digits of MAC] for WLAN0 Access Point


Firmware 1.4.x and later:

 https://192.168.3.x (wlan0)

 https://192.168.4.x (wlan1)

CTMONE-[last 4 digits of MAC] for WLAN0 Access Point


The CTM-ONE supports two Wi-Fi interfaces: WLAN0 and WLAN1.

Both interfaces can be configured as either an Access Point (AP) Interface or a Client Interface.

Only one configuration per interface is supported. For example, WLAN0 can be configured as an Access Point, but it cannot be configured as both an Access Point and a Client simultaneously.

If you require both Access Point (AP) and Client configurations, WLAN0 must be set to Access Point (AP) mode, and WLAN1 must be set to Client mode.















When configured as both an access point and a client, the Wi-Fi LED will display a blended red/green color. The CTM-ONE has a bi-color LED and cannot accurately represent a green color for access point and a red color for client mode simultaneously.

A solid green and flashing red LED indicates an active connection to the WLAN0 AP and client mode is not connected.


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