Login and homepage overview
If you are set up with Active Directory, you will be redirected to the Active Directory login page.
If not using active directory, you will receive an activation email for setting up a password.
If both options are enabled, you will see a password form along with an option to redirect to Active Directory.
You will be assigned a default password. For security purposes, please change this password upon your first login.
Please access the Cypress IOT portal via https://iot.cypress.bc.ca/ . To access your Cypress IOT account, use the provided username (your email address) and temporary password to log in.
After logging in, you will be directed to the standard homepage. The main menu on the homepage includes the following options:
Audit Log
Note: Depending on your user permissions, some of the tabs mentioned above may not be visible on your homepage.
Changing password
Click on the three dots in the top right corner.
Select “Security” from the drop down menu.
Enter and confirm your new password. Hit Change Password.
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