physical access to CTM-ONE
Modem must be configured to accept connection via Local ethernet or WiFi
Connecting computer must allow connections via the LAN /WLAN configuration on the modem
Remote Access
Remote connection to modem via Cypress IOT
Devices regularily “check-in” to Cypress IOT at a user configurable time interval, for example every 900 seconds or 15 minutes.
Device management via Cypress IOT is a Near real-time system for device management based on the programmed “check-in” time above.
After a device check-in to Cypress IOT the device will apply any configuration changes queued for the device via the configuration/command/jobs interface of Cypress IOT
Remote Access Pre-requisites
User must have active Cypress IOT credentials,
Modem must be able to communicate with Cypress IOT via cellular wireless connection.
The CTM-ONE will be ready for access and configuration approximimately 50 seconds after applying power.
After powering on, the CTM-ONE's power LED will remain solid green. During the booting process, the remaining four LEDs will flash in a left-to-right pattern, with blinking RED LEDs. Once the blinking ceases, the modem will be accessible.
The wireless gateway can be configured via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, provided it is enabled. Depending on the initial configuration upon shipment, this step may be optional. Additionally, all configurations can be remotely executed via the Cypress IOT device management platform.